A Visit from Grandma

Monday, August 20, 2012

Grandma came to visit and we kept her BUSY! The weather was super hot part of the time, but we were still able to get out and have some fun and we had a great time catching up.
We’ve kind of made it a tradition to paint pottery with Grandma.
Have I mentioned that grandad was not here? Super sad. Grandad should be in this picture too. 🙁

Dinner at one of our favorite places.

Cuddletime with Grandma

Lots of sewing went on while Grandma was here. Both of the boys made a bag to keep their knitting supplies in.

We picked a LOT of blueberries. When you have three adults and two kids picking berries and the weather is perfect, you get way more than you do when it’s just me and the two boys and it’s screamin’ hot outside. I see a lot of blueberry smoothies, blueberry pancakes and blueberry muffins in our future.

We also went bowling and swimming while grandma was here, but I don’t have any pictures of that. I am sure grandma is glad to be back home in her own bed now and not having to go, go, go all the time. We sure do miss her though. 🙁

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