There was an awesome maker fair in town this weekend at OMSI. What’s a maker faire? There was everything from catapults, to robots, to paper making, to archery, to Steampunk to chocolate art and then some. I didn’t get a ton of pictures, but these will give you the basic idea of the event. The boys had a great time and the weather was perfect.
A ginormous catapult that launched watermelons and pumpkins. Yes, I think this was Colm’s favorite part of the whole day.
Liam getting ready to launch the rocket he made.
Colm launching a tennis ball off a much smaller catapult.
Liam in the Intel tent where you could make your own keyboard with wires and this foil tape-like stuff. You then placed it on a clipboard, hooked it up to these metal clips and then as you played your body became part of the circuit that would then create the music. It’s hard to explain, but it was very cool.
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