Archive for October 2012
One of the lovely perks about living in this state is that there are no polling places. You just get your ballot in the mail and then mail it in (or drop it off at a designated drop-off place). Here is Colm helping Sean “decide” which circles to fill in. It was a pretty cute conversation.
I like that we don’t have to do the whole standing in line thing, but it does seem to make the whole process a little anti-climatic.
We have quite a few pumpkins this year. We have the four we got at the pumpkin patch and then two really, really big ones that we got at the grocery store. The boys wanted to get really big ones at the pumpkin patch, but they were too heavy to carry in from the field.
We’re still not done carving. Colm got tired of the whole process and says he’ll finish his up tomorrow.
Today was the perfect weather for a trip to the pumpkin patch. Not too sunny, no rain and not too warm. The boys and a friend had a great time picking out pumpkins, jumping hay bales, eating kettle corn and riding on a cow train (which may sound like a kiddie ride, but I am here to tell you I would have thrown up if I would have ridden that thing).
Waiting for the hayride.
This is the one he wanted, but couldn’t have. It was WAY too heavy.
What have we been up to? Well, we had the school carnival where the boys played this game where you have to be the first one to get your donut off the string while keeping your hands behind your back. HILARIOUS!!!
They also had a VERY fun time in the photo booth with their friends at the carnival…
This is what happened to a house down the street from us on Saturday morning. The people who lived here were out of town and somehow the dogs survived.
Hubby brought home these very pretty flowers for me the other night…
Today was National Ride Your Bike/Walk to School Day
This picture does no do the awesomeness of this bulletin board justice. I have a friend who is super crafty awesome and she was gracious enough to make this bulletin board for me for Battle of the Books.