Archive for November 20th 2012

The fifth grade has been learning about explorers. As the culminating activity for this unit of study, they had a wax museum. Each child dresses up as their assigned explorer, writes and then memorizes a speech in first person about their explorer’s life. Liam was Fransisco Pizzaro.

We have a fantastic art lit program at our school. Today was Colm’s class’ turn to learn about folk art of Mexico.

We have had this bird feeder for several weeks, but it took the birds a while to find it. It seems that our bird feeder is THE place to be now and that THE thing to eat is the sunflower seeds. There are a variety of seeds in there, but they really, really seem to want the sunflower seeds. They will pick through it until all of the sunflower seeds are gone and then things get quiet again until I go back out there and fill it up again with more sunflower seeds.
I had to be super sneaky to take this picture. 🙂