Archive for January 2013
Well, it looks like I will be giving our sweet dog shots twice a week for a while. I took him to the vet today because I think he has a bladder infection, but I also talked to the doctor about his ailing hips. He is really having a hard time walking and going up and down the stairs. He already gets one type of medicine to help him with that, but this is the next step.
Colm had his first basketball game of the season today. He made the very first basket of the game! The team he was playing against was actually the same team he was on last year so he knew most of the kids which made it extra fun.
I am going to enjoy his games a lot more this year…they actually count fouls this year and let them have free throws. They do jump balls and they can steal. It looks much more like a real basketball game.
(If you are looking for Colm, he is being blocked my the ref. He has on gray shoes.)
Did you know that if you play games on Chuck E. Cheese’s website that you can earn extra ticket certificates? No? Me neither. Well, you can and of course Colm knew this so when I agreed to take him to Chuck E. Cheese a few days ago he got to work. He printed off about five of these and was all prepped and ready to go when I read the fine print that said you could only use one per visit. This did not deflate him, he just sorted through them until he found the one that would give him the most tickets. You know what else it says in the fine print…that you actually get double the tickets that it says on the piece of paper. Oh, happy days.
We are hanging onto all of the extra ones he printed off for when we head back to that beloved pizza place at a later date.
No matter how hard I try each year, there is always at least one or two Christmas decorations that get missed when I put the decorations away. I can’t believe I missed these since they were right next to where I had the decoration box sitting as I was putting things away. My excuse is that they boys actually put these out and so since I didn’t put them there my brain just didn’t think about putting them away. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. 🙂
At some point in the past three years Colm made the dog these two bowls…one for his water and one for his food. They have been sitting out with two other dog dishes…ones that we actually used. We used the other ones because they were bigger, but Colm has decided that he would really like for our sweet dog to use these two dishes exclusively which is fine except that they are significantly smaller than the old ones and we are having to constantly feed and water the dog. I use the word “we” loosely since really it’s really Liam’s job to keep the dog fed and watered.
Colm thought it might be a good day to celebrate MLK Day/Inauguration Day by going to Chuck E. Cheese. I had something more meaningful in mind, so we compromised. We went to Chuck E. Cheese and then we went to a celebration of MLK, Jr. designed just for kids. I will admit that it was a little young for them, but Liam brought a friend, and I am glad we went. We listened to three great books about events that occurred during the Civil Rights Movement, sang some songs, listened to part of the “I Have a Dream Speech” (which never gets old..I don’t care how old you are or how many times you’ve heard it) and played a game. I even learned something today and I hope the boys did too. There were also donuts involved, you can get elementary school-aged kids to do just about anything or go just about anywhere if you mention there are going to be donuts. 🙂