Did you know that if you play games on Chuck E. Cheese’s website that you can earn extra ticket certificates? No? Me neither. Well, you can and of course Colm knew this so when I agreed to take him to Chuck E. Cheese a few days ago he got to work. He printed off about five of these and was all prepped and ready to go when I read the fine print that said you could only use one per visit. This did not deflate him, he just sorted through them until he found the one that would give him the most tickets. You know what else it says in the fine print…that you actually get double the tickets that it says on the piece of paper. Oh, happy days.
We are hanging onto all of the extra ones he printed off for when we head back to that beloved pizza place at a later date.
Workin’ Hard for Those Extra Tickets (Project 365-1/24/2013)
Saturday, January 26, 2013
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