Like the trophy? This is the trophy my 3rd grade Sunday school class won for being the class that brought in the most food for our church’s food pantry last week. We also tied for first this week. They were super excited about winning.
Archive for January 2013
My life is OBOB right now. Everyday I go to school and get the rooms set up for the battles. Today was the first day that parents came and watched the battles. Here’s the room, all set up and ready to go.
On a sadder OBOB note, today was the first day we had a kid cry. There are always tears at some point during OBOB, but it breaks my heart every time. They work so hard and then they lose. It’s disappointing, but hopefully they’ll forget about that part and even if they didn’t make it as far as they’d hoped in this year’s battles, maybe they will try again next year. They all know in the beginning that there is only going to be one team standing at the end, but the reality of that is hard.
This is Panjur. We got him about 1 1/2 years ago when he was still pretty much a kitten. He LOVES to play and chase but you have to be super careful with him because he has all of his claws. You can’t go to sleep with him in the same room either because if you move even an inch he will attack. It’s just too much for him to stay still when there’s something moving under the covers. 🙂 Sleeper beware!
This is our sweet pup, Diarmaid. He is getting on in years and is having trouble walking, going up and down the stairs, etc, but he is still super lovable. We got him in 1999 (I think) and he was about a year old when we got him, so he’s about 14ish/15ish years old. He’s a great dog and a super important part of our family.
Book club is on Monday, so I need to finish this book before then. I only have one chapter left so I am sure I’ll get it done. This story is about two sisters whose parents die when they’re young and are raised by their aunt and uncle. Now that they’re adults they have taken two different paths in life. One is a HIGHLY successful news anchor and the other, after having to kind of find her way for a while, is a social worker who works with low-income women and children in New York. It’s definitely not a five star read, but I would give it a solid 3 1/2.