Archive for February 2013

Our school doesn’t have an art teacher, but we do have an art lit program where the children have art about five times a year. They learn about an artist and then create a piece of art in the style of that artist. The artist they are learning about now is Turner.
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MommaReads has kind of been on the back burner lately, so I have a lot of books sitting and waiting to be reviewed.
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The people at Food Network must have had our family in mind when they wrote this issue. The guy who sacked our groceries today even commented on how much cheese we were buying today. I kind of chuckled because it didn’t really seem like we were buying that much, at least not for us.

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The baseball bags are back out! Baseball evaluations were today. Both of the boys did great…now we just have to wait and see who else is going to be on their team and who their coaches will be.
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Love the kids who made me this sign and I am so glad I got to be the one who brought Battle of the Books to them this year.
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This is what basketball practice looks like when you are the sibling of the kid who is actually participating in basketball practice.

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When did 5th grade homework start to look like this???
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I am about halfway through this book that was recommended to me by a woman in my book club. The author is mainly known for his fictional writing, but this book is a memoir about his mother and their relationship, but mostly about how her mental health issues shaped their relationship. It’s a good story and I am so glad that a mainstream author is opening up about and sharing their own story concerning mental health issues.
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Today was our last day with Stanley. He went out to eat with us and then we had to send him back to Kansas.

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We took the boys and one of Liam’s friends to go see this play today. It was well done and surprisingly short. They somehow managed to take that long story with a rather complicated plot and simmer it down to about 90 minutes.
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