Archive for February 6th 2013

Don’t worry. We aren’t getting another pet. I am just working on a little project I have going for the boys’ school. I guess the hamster will be living with us for a very short while, but he will mostly be staying at the boys’ school and will then eventually (hopefully) end up as a pet for someone else when our project at school is over.

Today I was just trying to figure out how much all the stuff for a hamster costs. Dang! Those little hamsters need a bunch of stuff…a cage and minerals/vitamins and chew toys and a place to hide and a wheel to run on and food and bedding and on and on.

I walked into the boys’ school this week and these were up on the wall. There are probably about 25 of them or so, but I had to get a close up of just a few of them so you could really appreciate them. My favorite of these four is the one in the upper right-hand corner. Those eyes!!! I didn’t even stop to read the essays they wrote I was so busy giggling at admiring their art work. I will have to go back tomorrow and actually read what they wrote since it looks like those essays are pretty long. First grade writing is awesome too. I am really truly looking forward to reading what they have to say about our President.

I haven’t bought a new pair of winter shoes for myself in probably two years. My old ones were looking a little ragged, so it was definitely time to go shoe shopping. I really like these. They are comfy and truly aren’t that much different than the ones they are replacing.

I didn’t really care who won the Superbowl, but what we were going to have to eat on Sunday night was up for discussion. I am glad we all agreed on the same thing. Honestly, I love Pizzicato more for their salads and their paninis than for their pizzas, but I can compromise.