Archive for February 15th 2013

When it’s 64 and sunny in Portland in the middle of February, you take advantage of it. The boys had a lot of fun at the park today playing touch football with some other neighborhood kids.

I had a fairly bare calendar today so I went and tracked down one of my absolute favorite food trucks for lunch. Yum!

We have someone staying at our house for the next week or so…Stanley…Flat Stanley, that is. Don’t know who Flat Stanley is? Well, he is a character in a book that gets flattened and put in an envelope and shipped off in the mail. Classrooms across America have started sending out their own Flat Stanley’s to help the children in their classrooms learn more about our country’s geography, landmarks, etc. Flat Stanley is visiting us from one of the boys’ second cousins who lives in Kansas. Today Stanley went with us to violin lessons. We have been keeping a log of Stanley’s activities while he’s been here and will ship him back with some pictures soon.