Archive for February 2013

Don’t worry. We aren’t getting another pet. I am just working on a little project I have going for the boys’ school. I guess the hamster will be living with us for a very short while, but he will mostly be staying at the boys’ school and will then eventually (hopefully) end up as a pet for someone else when our project at school is over.

Today I was just trying to figure out how much all the stuff for a hamster costs. Dang! Those little hamsters need a bunch of stuff…a cage and minerals/vitamins and chew toys and a place to hide and a wheel to run on and food and bedding and on and on.

I walked into the boys’ school this week and these were up on the wall. There are probably about 25 of them or so, but I had to get a close up of just a few of them so you could really appreciate them. My favorite of these four is the one in the upper right-hand corner. Those eyes!!! I didn’t even stop to read the essays they wrote I was so busy giggling at admiring their art work. I will have to go back tomorrow and actually read what they wrote since it looks like those essays are pretty long. First grade writing is awesome too. I am really truly looking forward to reading what they have to say about our President.

I haven’t bought a new pair of winter shoes for myself in probably two years. My old ones were looking a little ragged, so it was definitely time to go shoe shopping. I really like these. They are comfy and truly aren’t that much different than the ones they are replacing.

I didn’t really care who won the Superbowl, but what we were going to have to eat on Sunday night was up for discussion. I am glad we all agreed on the same thing. Honestly, I love Pizzicato more for their salads and their paninis than for their pizzas, but I can compromise.

How many hours of my life have I spent in this aisle at Target?

It was a gorgeous day today and there was no school so Liam gathered up two friends and his brother and headed to the park to play Knockout. They must have played for an hour…they were sweaty and tired and in desperate need of a drink. Of course, the water at the park is turned off for the winter so I headed home and got them some so they wouldn’t all pass out from thirst.

Colm’s team has a mini-playbook this year. It has three pages so far. 🙂