Archive for March 20th 2013

There is a very brief period of time where we can go salamander hunting and now is the time. We had some friends who went this past weekend and they caught 16…that’s a lot. We only caught nine on this trip, but that’s more than we have ever caught before. The boys had so much fun running around the pond, trying to find a good spot to find one…lots of fun outside getting dirty with their friends.
In case you are wondering what we did with all of the salamanders (which I think are technically newts and not salamanders) we put them back in the pond once we were done for the day.

While I was gone all day yesterday at OBOB, Sean and the boys were busy building model rockets. We had two big rockets and one little one. The little one fell apart before we could even get it in the car, one of the big ones had a failed launch which resulted in it not being usable anymore, but the other big one was perfect and we were able to launch it five times. The boys had so much fun counting down, trying to figure out which way the wind was going to take it and then chasing it down.

I took our school’s OBOB winners to regionals today. It was a long day and they battled six times, but it was all worth it in the end. They made it to state!