Empty Spot (Project 365-3/25/2013)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

There’s an empty spot on our counter where the toaster should be. It all started with a rather large hunk of a bagel that broke off and got down under the coils that heat up. I tried everything I could to get the hunk of bagel out. It was stuck for good so I figured I would just try and use the toaster with the hunk stuck in there. BAD IDEA!!! The hunk became a smoking hunk.

I have been wanting to by a toaster oven for a while so we could use the microwave less and also heat up our big oven less…you can cook a LOT in a toaster oven without having to heat up your whole kitchen by turning the big oven on. I took this as a sign and doubley took it as a sign when I researched toaster ovens and found the one I wanted for less than $30 shipped.

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