Manzanita-Spring Break 2013

Saturday, March 30, 2013

We try and meet my friend Christie and her sweet pup, Luke, at Manzanita at least once a year and today was the day. It was a chilly, rainy day, but we persevered and made a great day of it.
(Project 365-3/26/2013)

The boys spent a lot of time playing baseball on the beach, but I don’t have any pictures of that since I was in the game too. They did still spend some time digging and building.

The boys also spent quite a bit of time racing each other on these bikes.

We always end our Manzanita trips with a trip to the ice cream store.

One Comment

  1. Christie says:

    I had such a great time. Luke wants to you to know it was the bestest best beach day ever!

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