Archive for March 2013

Butch is our oldest family member. He is about 112 years old in cat years. His age is showing, but he still has a lot of energy, is still a little cranky at times and still loves to snuggle up on the couch.

It was an absolutely beautiful day for the first day of baseball practice.

Liam’s class has been studying colonial America. As part of that study they made cornhusk dolls. Well, Liam’s turned into a headless guy with a sword. Interesting.

We went to our new orthodontist today. This is the boys getting stuff out of the treasure box. Liam got a bouncy ball and Colm got a yo-yo. What’s even more interesting is that Liam is getting a full set of braces on Tuesday.

Almonds mixed with salted cashews…yum!

Several times a year the boys’ violin teacher arranges for her students to play out in the community. This particular concert was at a retirement home. We have been to this retirement home several times and the residents really look forward to them coming and playing their music.

I don’t get to “do lunch” very often during the week, but we had a celebratory post-OBOB lunch today at Salvador Molly’s. The food was good and the company was great.
This yummy shrimp sandwich was topped with sweet potato fries. This is the kind of sandwich you have to eat with a fork and knife.

Colm seems to have a knack for finding dead butterflies. This one he took to school to swap with a classmate for a mechanical pencil. I am not sure how the swap went, but Colm still has the butterfly.

It would be too obvious for me to share with you a picture of the boys playing their violins. So instead I am going to give you a picture that Colm took of himself while he was waiting for the concert to end. Note: He took about 25 of these pictures.

There is nothing like an elementary school variety show. It was OVER 2 1/2 hours long starting with the kindys and ending with the 5th graders. I think my favorite act was the kindergarten Bollywood dancers. There was just too much cuteness wrapped up in that little performance.