Spring Break Surprise 2013-Day One

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sean and I decided several weeks ago that we were going to surprise the boys over spring break and take them to the Great Wolf Lodge. We’ve never been and one of the boys told me several years ago that EVERYONE in their class had been but them. 😉 We decided to go for one night since we figured it’s the kind of kid haven that parents want to get out of as soon as possible.

We had a GREAT time! I almost wish we could have stayed a little longer. Liam had a great time in the wave pool and going down the water slides upteen times and Colm became a Magiquest expert. Don’t know what Magiquest is? It involves buying a ridiculously expensive plastic wand that the kids use to solve riddles all over the hotel. It’s actually very cool, but holy cow we ran up and down those stairs about 7,000 times.

The room we stayed in was super cool too. The boys had their own little room within the room that had bunk beds and was supposed to look like a cabin.
The Magiquest wands

Frozen yogurt tastes better when a robot makes it.

(Project 365-3/28/2013)

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