Archive for April 19th 2013

I have been wanting to read this book for awhile and it just happened to be at the library under the “New Releases” section when we were there a couple of weeks ago. I snapped it up and am just about done with it. It’s a good one, too. I’ll read one chapter and tell myself that I am going to go to bed after just one chapter, but I can’t and I have to read another…and then another.

Colm’s feet keep growing and growing and growing…

Once upon a time in a high school a long, long time ago my friend named Eric (for reasons I can’t remember) started doodling on my jeans in the middle of biology class. Somehow we decided that he could make my jeans AWESOME. I brought them to him shortly thereafter and after a long, long wait he brought me this awesomeness. I found these in the attic while I was cleaning it out this week. I didn’t even know I still had them so it was quite a delightful surprise to find this little treasure.

This is our new favorite game. You get four pictures and you have to come up with one word that represents all of the pictures. This one stumped us. Can you figure it out? I’ll give you a hint if you need one.