What I’ve Been Reading

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Mudwoman by Joyce Carol Oates-I think this is probably one of the strangest stories I have ever read. A very successful and educated woman can’t escape her past. Her mother threw her in a mud pit to drown as a young girl. She’s found by a local and raised by a loving Quaker family who names her after their dead daughter. (See, I told you, weird.) She ends up having a mental breakdown and losing what she’d worked so hard for.

Happens Every Day by Isabel Gillies-I really liked this story. It’s a memoir of a marriage and how the marriage falls apart. Even though it sounds like a sad book it really does end up having a happy ending.

11/22/63 by Stephen King-This is SUCH a good book! I highly, highly, highly recommend it. This is not a creepy Stephen King story, but a long and interesting piece of historical fiction where the main character goes back in the time try and stop the assassination of JFK.

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