The boys have been talking about renting skim boards for the past year or so, but it just hadn’t worked out…until today. Sean took the boys up to the rental shop and they got a little mini-lesson before heading out to the waves. I would like to report that they absolutely loved it and thought it was the greatest thing ever, but I would be lying. It’s not as easy as it may look and as much as they tried, they could just not get the hang of it. They can say they’ve tried it and maybe they’ll give it another try some other time.
Sean and I went out for breakfast while the boys were at their last day of soccer camp this morning. I am not much of an early morning/brunch drinker, but if I was, this is where I’d get my drinks. Not only is the bar beautiful, but I loved watching the bartender make the drinks. Bar tending is definitely an art forms at this establishment and if the drinks are half as tasty as they are beautiful, then I might need to start drinking Bloody Marys.
We had a fantastic day visiting Manzanita. It was raining when we got there, so we grabbed a bite to eat at a lovely sandwich shop and then headed down to the beach. We explored, got wet, played baseball, flew kites and almost lost a shoe or two in the ocean.
We also had to take some group shots. I had everyone lined up and took a picture when I noticed the water was going to come in and get everyone’s shoes/feet wet. The water was chilly and I knew they’d be surprised so I just kept taking pictures…the picture above is one of them. (insert evil laugh here) π