We are having so much fun showing our family around the city and it’s fun to be a tourist in the town you live in. Today we went to the Japanese Gardens, we visited some food trucks for lunch and then spent the rest of the afternoon at Powell’s.
Today we set out to see some waterfalls and do some hiking. We started at Multnomah Falls which is beautiful and a must see in Oregon, but to be honest with you, Horsetail Falls is about a zillion times better and has about a kajillion less tourists. So after making the requisite stop at Multnomah Falls and having a little picnic lunch there, we headed down the road to Horsetail Falls where we had an excellent hike through some beautiful terrain.
I have taken the boys geocaching several times, but to be honest with you, we’re not very good at it. Liam is old enough now that he can go to teen events at the library and tonight they had a geocaching event for kids in grades 6th-12th. Liam had a great time and the pay off for me was that the group found a geocache that the boys and I have looked for SEVERAL times and NEVER been able to find. I would never have thought to lift up the bottom of the light post to find it.
We have made it a summer tradition to go paint pottery the first Friday after school is out, but that didn’t happen this year because we were busy getting ready to go camping that day. So this year it turned out to be the second Friday after school was out. Either way, the boys made some surprise gifts for some very special people.
This is what always happens…I need a book to read so I request a bunch from the library and I end up having to wait for all of them because they are all being read by other people and sometimes I am number 247 on the wait list because whatever book I want is super popular and then…they all come in at once and I have to make some decisions. As much as I really want to read Motel Life because I really, really like the author, I think I am going to read the other one first because I had to wait much longer to get it.
The boys and I drove up to Timberline (where it was totally cold and snowing) to eat at their fabulous brunch buffet with my friend Christie and then, with bellies full, we headed down to Trillium Lake. It was a rainy cloudy day so we didn’t get the beautiful views of Mt. Hood that I had been promised by numerous people, but it was still a great trek around the lake and now that we know where it is we can easily find our way back on a clear day.