This little guy got left behind when the tide went back out. We finally got up the nerve to pick him up and put him back in the ocean.
Colm’s end of year party was today. Each child recited a poem for the parents and then there was a reception with cake, cookies and apple juice. The kids did a fantastic job and I loved that it was a peaceful quiet “party” and not a crazy wild party. Quite frankly, this class had enough crazy and wild the rest of the school year. (God bless their teacher who probably developed a drinking problem because of this year’s class.)
These gorgeous flowers were at the grocery store tonight. I absolutely love tulips so I stopped to smell them and take a picture of them. I was explaining to the boys how much I love tulips and Colm asked me how much they were. They were $7.99. Colm was then trying to get Liam to pool their allowance money together so they could buy the flowers for Sean. Hmmmm…let me get this straight. I just told you how much I love them and how they are my most favorite flower ever and you want to spend your allowance money so you can buy them for your dad? There’s some logic in their somewhere, I just haven’t found it yet.