
There is a long hedge of bushes near the boys’ school that is beautiful and fragrant this time of year. The only problem is that it draws so many bees that the sound of the bees is audible. I am not sure that this was the best type of bush to plant near an elementary school where there are many, many children walking near these bushes every single day.

This remote control helicopter was doing a great job of keeping Colm entertained during Liam’s baseball practice…until it ran out of batteries. 🙁

My friend, Christie, was in town for a conference and since people might frown on her bringing her sweet pup, Luke, to the meeting she was at, we got to watch him for the afternoon. The boys loved taking him for a walk since our sweet pup is too old to go on long walks anymore.


Liam and Colm had a violin concert tonight. There is normally an informal reception afterwards that usually consists of donut holes, fruit snacks, some juice boxes and whatever else people can throw together. Tonight, however, we had a special reception after their concert to celebrate the upcoming wedding of their violin teacher. She was very surprised and the food was great.

The boys were on the edge of their seats while watching the Spelling Bee on ESPN tonight. So much drama and anticipation…I don’t think they thought it would be that exciting. (Especially since the spelling bee at their school is written which is totally and completely anti-climatic.)


Getting ready for their big concert on Friday.

We are going to go tent camping this summer so we went to REI and took advantage of a huge sale they were having and bought two tents and a sleeping bag for me. Sean went through our storage area and found his sleeping bag that he hasn’t used since we’ve been married. We have been married for 15 years. Rolled up in his sleeping bag he found the above candy bar. Gross.