The boys are finally back to knitting class. They had been on a hiatus since early November due to a staffing shortage, but now they are back at it again. Colm needs to finish a hat he had started that was supposed to be a (ahem) Christmas present and Liam just started a bright blue hat.


Our ballots came in the mail today. Mine is already signed, sealed, stamped and back in the mailbox. Crossing fingers, toes and eyes that this levy passes.

The class had a baby shower for Liam’s teacher today. The kids played a couple of baby shower games, had some cake and decorated some onesies for the new baby.

The boys stopped in to see Liam’s 2nd and 3rd grade teacher and Colm’s 2nd grade teacher. Springtime in 2nd grade is so much fun because they are learning about the life cycle through insects. Their teacher happened to have some walking sticks in her classroom. I don’t even know if you can see them in the picture, but the boys both have a walking stick crawling up their arm.


Introducing our awesome One School, One Book program to all of the library classes this week.

This is one of the beauties of living in Portland. You can get to the beach in under 90 minutes. You can also get to the mountains and lots of snow in the same amount of time…just headed in the other direction.

The boys didn’t have school today so we decided to head out and try and find a place to go sledding. We got a lot of recommendations, but the same place kept getting mentioned again and again so we loaded up the car with all of our snow gear, sleds and a packed lunch and headed up the mountain. By the grace of God we found the place and there was NO ONE there. NO ONE!!! I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t feel comfortable tracking back into the woods to a sledding hill with just me and the boys so we decided to try Plan B.

Plan B was to head to Timberline and check things up out there. Timberline is UP, UP, UP the mountain and much colder, windier and snowier than the place where we were going to sled. We made it though and it turned out they were having an awesome lunch buffet which almost made up for the fact that we didn’t get to go sledding.

The weather has been absolutely beautiful, so we decided to head to the coast today. Colm had gotten a metal detector, a new kite and a game that was perfect for the beach, so that was another great reason to head westward today.

We had a great time…the weather was perfect and we had a great day together as a family.

Liam had his own little cheering section at his ballgame this weekend. My friend Christie came to visit as did our friend Kathy, plus Kathy’s two little ones. This is Jordan sitting on my lap. This was his first ballgame ever and he was very enthusiastic…lots of clapping was going on.