As I was leaving the boys’ school on Friday I noticed, out of the corner of my eye, a rooster that was walking dangerously close to the side of the road. So I swung my car around and walked behind the rooster until he got back closer to the enclosure I had noticed someone had set up for him across from the school. I called the school and let them know about the rooster and they knew a teacher had been doing a lesson with the students and they’d call him and let him know his rooster was out. I sat with that stupid rooster for FOURTY MINUTES and no one came out. I finally called back and they told me the teacher had said that his chickens know not to go in the road. Seriously?
So thankful to have this kid back home, safe, sound and under our roof.
So thankful that he had the MOST AMAZING TIME EVER at outdoor school.
So thankful that he will still talk to me and tell me everything that happened while he was away.
So thankful I packed sunscreen for him.
So thankful for our wonderful school community that made this experience happen for him and his classmates.
So thankful that he had the maturity to sleep away from home for two nights.
So thankful I didn’t cry when I went to pick him up because I almost did I was so happy to see him.
Colm has been talking about going to his favorite Japanese steakhouse for months! He knew that was where he wanted to go for his birthday, the only hiccup was that Liam was going to be at Outdoor School over Colm’s birthday and Colm was really struggling with his brother gone. Problem solved. Our usual family birthday dinner turned into a family birthday dinner minus Liam, plus Colm’s best friend. It was a great night out with our bellies full of Japanese food and a trip to Dairy Queen for some frozen yumminess afterwards.
I have been wanting to read this book for awhile and it just happened to be at the library under the “New Releases” section when we were there a couple of weeks ago. I snapped it up and am just about done with it. It’s a good one, too. I’ll read one chapter and tell myself that I am going to go to bed after just one chapter, but I can’t and I have to read another…and then another.