Colm has to give a speech tomorrow and he chose to speak about our trip to DC that we took this summer. I love that he is so into it and was very excited about making a visual aide with pictures from our trip.
I have had these scrubs since middle school, yes, middle school. They have seen me through middle school, high school, college, Arizona, back to Kansas and then to Oregon. These jammies have a lot of miles in them and it’s time to say good-bye. They’ve served me well, but when you have safety pins in the crotch to hold them together that have been there for so long that you can’t even remember putting them there, well…it’s just time.
I haven’t been to TJ’s in probably a year…okay, maybe not that long, but it’s been a long time. I was in the neighborhood today, so I thought I’d stop in. I love their pasta sauce and it’s super cheap, so I picked up a few jars along with some OJ, some eggs and some tortilla chips. I also got some hummus while I was there…they have the BEST hummus. I know, I should have gotten some fun TJ stuff like chocolate-covered something (they cover just about everything in chocolate) but I was in a bit of a hurry since it was about time for Colm to get home from school. I didn’t browse too much.