I have been reading about this shampoo/soap for awhile. It’s totally all natural and is supposed to be great for your skin, your hair, laundry and it even says you can brush your teeth with it, but I’m not willing to try that. Anyways, so far so good in the shower, but don’t get it anywhere near your eyes with all of that peppermint oil. Ouch!
I have taken on a project this year to help feed the hungry children in our area. It is a program that is run by our church and the two women who ran it last year were no longer able to continue. Basically, the children get two proteins, two drinks, two snacks and two fruits in a backpack that they take home with them on Friday afternoons so that they will have food to eat over the weekend. The children who are in need are identified by the two schools that we serve.
We missed a deadline on a grant that the program used last year to help fund the program, so I have applied for a different grant through Wal-Mart. I should know within the next 90 days or so if we got the grant.
We are starting the year serving forty children, but the number will grow as the school year continues and more needy families are identified. We have quite a bit of food left over from last year, but you can imagine how much food a program like this can go through. I have a 5th grade Girl Scout troop that’s going to collect food for this program for their Bronze Star project this fall and hopefully Colm’s fourth grade class will help in the spring for the class community service project.
Last year for OSOB we read a cute story about a hamster named Humphrey who’s a class pet. It was a huge hit which leaves me in a precarious spot. Now I have to pick an equally awesome book and I don’t know how I am going to top Humphrey. This book is in the running…we shall see. I have until April to decide.