We went to the International Rose Test Garden today…so beautiful and FREE!
I hate bumpers. I never had bumpers. It’s like an awful crutch that keeps kids from ever really needing to learn how to actually bowl. I have seen teenagers at the bowling alley using bumpers, so I was VERY happy when Colm decided today that he didn’t need bumpers anymore. He even managed to get a spare or two without bumpers. Success!
This is Liam’s favorite week of every summer. This was his fourth summer at this camp and Colm joined him this summer, too. One thing that was new to Liam is that, in the past, he has only stayed for the first half of the camp. This year he is staying for the optional second half of the camp which includes animation.
I wish we would have moved here when the boys were younger because they REALLY would have loved this. Liam is getting a little too old for this, but a friend of his invited us to go, so we went. They ended up having an okay time, but the real fun began when we went back to their house and a full-on game of World Cup got started with all of the boys in the neighborhood. We were there for about 1 1/2 hours longer than we’d planned. That’s what summer is all about though.
It’s a little early to be buying school supplies, but I wanted to go before everyone and their mother goes and picks over everything. I am not used to going shopping for school supplies since we’ve always just been able to buy them from the school, but the middle school doesn’t do that so off to Office Depot I went. I got everything he needs except the for fancy calculator he needs…I am going to let Sean figure that part out.