Archive for May 24th 2013


I have taken on a volunteer role at Liam’s new middle school (MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!!) and today was the day I got trained how to do it…in the rain. My job (with my friend Lynn) is to change the lettering on the reader board every other week or so. Her job is to get the letters ready and my job is to climb up on the ladder and put them on the board. I don’t imagine this is going to be a terribly horrible job, but I do hope that the majority of the times we do this that it’s not raining like it was today.

The boys’ school had their annual volunteer appreciation day today. In the past it has been a lunch, but this year they decided to have a breakfast which turned out to be a great idea…I am not one to turn down a pastry. 🙂

Colm really, really has a hard time getting around to writing thank you cards. His birthday party was about a month ago though and I just could not let it go another day. He FINALLY got them done…thank goodness!

We had our yard re-landscaped last year after most of the plants the original landscaper had planted died after we realized they had planted them in clay and all of the plants were just sitting in puddles of water. The re-landscaper we hired did a good job, but really didn’t fill in the beds with as many flowers as we would have liked.
I started working on solving that problem on Monday. I bought a ton of new plants, some weed barrier stuff and some mulch. I got started and it looks great, but I have a lot more work to do and the weather has been cold and wet ever since. I have all of the plants/flowers in their pots waiting to be planted and bags of mulch stacked up and ready to go. Now I just need some decent weather.