Archive for May 31st 2013

The boys were on the edge of their seats while watching the Spelling Bee on ESPN tonight. So much drama and anticipation…I don’t think they thought it would be that exciting. (Especially since the spelling bee at their school is written which is totally and completely anti-climatic.)


Getting ready for their big concert on Friday.

We are going to go tent camping this summer so we went to REI and took advantage of a huge sale they were having and bought two tents and a sleeping bag for me. Sean went through our storage area and found his sleeping bag that he hasn’t used since we’ve been married. We have been married for 15 years. Rolled up in his sleeping bag he found the above candy bar. Gross.

We headed up to Seattle today (and met up with my our friend, Christie) to see the boys’ third cousin pitch for the Texas Rangers. It also happened to be Little League Day so the kids got to go on the field and see the players up close and personal while they warmed up before the game.

It’s a little early for berry picking around here, but we had a hot spell earlier this month followed by a lot of rain which I think sped things up a bit. We picked a LOT of strawberries and now it’s strawberries for breakfast, lunch and dinner around here. 🙂