Archive for May 2013


Our school’s new pet, Humphrey, has been a HUGE hit! He goes along with a book our whole school is reading and he is definitely adding to the excitement.



The boys are finally back to knitting class. They had been on a hiatus since early November due to a staffing shortage, but now they are back at it again. Colm needs to finish a hat he had started that was supposed to be a (ahem) Christmas present and Liam just started a bright blue hat.


Our ballots came in the mail today. Mine is already signed, sealed, stamped and back in the mailbox. Crossing fingers, toes and eyes that this levy passes.

The class had a baby shower for Liam’s teacher today. The kids played a couple of baby shower games, had some cake and decorated some onesies for the new baby.

The boys stopped in to see Liam’s 2nd and 3rd grade teacher and Colm’s 2nd grade teacher. Springtime in 2nd grade is so much fun because they are learning about the life cycle through insects. Their teacher happened to have some walking sticks in her classroom. I don’t even know if you can see them in the picture, but the boys both have a walking stick crawling up their arm.
