Archive for July 11th 2013

I try and make sure that the boys volunteer at the food bank at least a few times each summer. This was our first time this summer. They love to help unload the trucks and help unpack the butter, yogurt and cheese boxes. They know exactly where those things go and they know what to do if there’s more in the boxes than will fit in the frig…it goes in the overflow frig. The older (and stronger) they get, the more they’re able to help unload the trucks too.

Yes, he got a fauxhawk this time, too. 😉

One of the many reasons I love summer…bowling on a Monday afternoon with the boys.

We have apples growing in our backyard! We have two apples trees. One of them doesn’t have any apples and the other has about five. We’ve only had these apple trees for a year and didn’t expect to get any apples at all, so we’re very excited about the few that we have.

I love how coneflowers look in a garden. I wish I had more of these growing in ours, but these ones are growing beautifully.