These guys, along with their sheep, horse and goat friends, bring a smile to my face every day. Today they were super close to the fence. This guy was looking right at me with his goody face when I pulled up to the stop sign.
When you have to wear long sleeve shirts and pants to soccer practice you know that the end of soccer season must be just around the corner. Three more weeks and soccer 2013 will be over.
We headed to Champoeg today where they were having an old-fashioned apple fest complete with fresh pressed apple cider, homemade applesauce, apple cornbread baked over an open fire and bobbing for apples (which you can’t do the old-fashioned way since it involves swapping germs).
The sad thing is that this tooth will never find its way under a pillow…no one in this house is a believer. (They don’t mind asking for money though.) 🙂
Colm has to give a speech tomorrow and he chose to speak about our trip to DC that we took this summer. I love that he is so into it and was very excited about making a visual aide with pictures from our trip.