Posts by Nina

Liam has joined the middle school band and chose to play the flute. It’s small, fits in his locker and backpack and isn’t a pain to carry to and from the bus stop.


Our tomatoes haven’t really taken off this year, but luckily we have friends who have tons of tomatoes. They sent over a bag of them earlier this week and this is what’s still left.

Not the best book I’ve ever read and not the worst either. The characters in this book certainly aren’t very likable…that’s for sure.



Our sunflowers are finally blooming! They aren’t the GINORMOUS sunflowers we grew several summers ago, but I still like them. I think I might like these ones even better because they are small enough that they aren’t doing to fall over from the weight of the flower. Either way, they bring a little bit of happiness to our backyard.

We were stuck in traffic for quite a while because a bus had caught on fire a little ways up the road, so we got the joy of spending some quality time with these cows as we inched our way along the highway.

This is the first apple from our tree. I would like to report that is was the best tasting apple ever, but I would be lying. We aren’t sure what kind of apples they are, but they’re either a little on the tart side or this one wasn’t quite ripe.