Posts by Nina
About four or five years ago Colm got a science kit for his birthday from someone. It sat around for a year or two, it made it’s move to Portland with us unopened, and then one day we discovered it in some cabinets…tucked away and forgotten. Now that we’ve rediscovered this little science treasure, it makes a debut every once in a while. Today we made volcanoes.
Usually by this time of the year we are drowning in tomatoes, but so far this year this is our only tomato and it took FOREVER to turn red. Our tomato plants have really taken off now (lots of little green tomatoes), so hopefully we will have much more before it gets too cold and rainy for them all to turn red.
I have wanted to take the boys to this since we first moved here, but we’d never been able to go. This year our calendar was free so off we went to the Adult Soapbox Derby at Mt. Tabor. It was just as Portlandish as you might imagine. There were people who were serious about it and had very streamlined cars and then there was Santa, Three Men in a Tub, The Scooby Doo Mystery Van and a car full of presidents. We only stayed for about an hour (it lasts all day), but we got a feel for what it’s all about. Next year we might bring a picnic and stay longer.
Today was our 4th Annual Lemonade/Popsicle stand to benefit The Oregon Food Bank. They boys did a great job making the signs and they earned over $50 in two hours as well as collected some canned goods. (Colm is behind one of the signs and the other kiddo is our neighbor who was a huge asset to our efforts today…boundless energy.) 🙂